The current price of silver in Swiss francs (CHF) is influenced by various factors and can change on a daily basis. As an internationally recognized precious metal, silver remains important for investors worldwide. Here you will always find the current silver price in CHF.
How is the current silver price determined?
The price of silver is determined by supply and demand on the international precious metals market. There are essentially two main sources for price determination:
The spot market is where physical silver in the form of bars or coins is bought or sold immediately. The price of silver on the spot market is influenced by supply and demand. The "spot price" is the current market price for immediate delivery and payment of silver.
Futures markets: These are contracts that regulate the purchase or sale of silver at a future date at an agreed price. These futures contracts are traded on futures exchanges. Prices on the futures markets are also influenced by supply and demand, but can also be affected by speculation and other macroeconomic factors.
Silver is traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) and the London Bullion Market (LBMA).
In addition to these primary influencing factors, economic indicators, inflation, currency movements, geopolitical events and industrial demand can affect the price of silver.