Philharmoniker 1 Unze Silbermünze (Österreich)

Philharmoniker 1 Unze Silbermünze (Österreich)

Material Silber
Art Münzen
Feinheit 999.9/1000 (99.99%)
Feingewicht 31.103 Gramm (1 oz)
Ausgabeland Österreich

Aktueller Ankaufspreis*

CHF 22.00

Verkaufsanfrage stellen

*Zuletzt aktualisiert am 10.09.2024 um 09:01

Aktueller Verkaufspreis*

CHF 33.00
inkl. 8.10% MwSt. (CHF 2.00)

Kaufanfrage stellen

*Zuletzt aktualisiert am 10.09.2024 um 09:01

The Philharmonic 1 ounce silver coin from Austria is one of the world's most famous bullion coins on the silver coin market. This silver coin was first minted in 2008 and has been a fixture in the precious metals trade ever since.

The obverse of the coin features a depiction of an orchestral instrument, while the reverse shows the famous Musikverein building in Vienna.

With a fineness of 999/1000, the Philharmonic silver coin contains exactly 1 ounce of pure silver.

The Philharmonic 1 Ounce Silver Coin from Austria is a great choice that offers you stability and flexibility in your investment strategy.
We will be happy to advise you on buying or selling the Philharmonic silver coin.


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